You Are Your Worst Enemy

You Are Your Worst Enemy

Do you catch yourself getting extremely nervous before auditions? Are you always wondering what the casting directors are thinking of you when you are performing? Or wondering if they agree with the way you are portraying the character? If you answered yes, then this is one of the main reasons you DID NOT LAND THE ROLE

How do you get rid of these thoughts during your auditions? 

We all know how the butterflies feel. They arise at the most inconvenient times, like at an audition. At auditions, most beginning actors tend to occupy their minds with questions (which I call the triggers because they trigger the butterflies) that should be of no concern. Frankly, stop worrying about what judgments are being made about you. Who cares? Focus on the truth: that you are a good actor who deserves their chance to shine. Now, make it your mission to get it. Let nothing stop you, especially not judgments from those measly casting directors! I know what you're thinking, "easier said than done" right? Ok, want to know the truth? Honestly, the only way to get rid of the jitters is to GO TO MORE AUDITIONS. The more you are exposed to them, the better you will adjust to them. 

Auditions will no longer be that scary monster you want to hide from, but rather something you know you can conquer. 

The will and drive to be a successful actor has to come from a love for acting. For you to persevere through all of the rejections, you have to love what you're doing. Continue to attend lectures, classes, and those daunting auditions to better prepare yourself for the next one. The purpose of me telling you to go to more auditions is to get comfortable with seeing new faces and getting rid of "the triggers".This way, you will always be improving and making your way towards your goal of becoming a successful actor.

Of course, nerves will come about naturally and there is no way to completely eliminate them. But, you can surely increase your comfortability level with auditions by repetitiveness. You will eventually become less concerned with what judgments are being made and more concerned about portraying your real self through the characters you act. 

How many of you agree that nerves are a distraction?


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